Claudia Castro Luna
Claudia Castro Luna is the current Washington State Poet Laureate (2018-2020), and served as the first Seattle Civic Poet (2015-2017). She is the author of the chapbook This City (Floating Bridge Press), and of the collection Killing Marías (Two Sylvias Press), which was a finalist for the 2018 WA State Book Award. Born in El Salvador, she came to the United States in 1981. She writes and teaches in Seattle where she gardens and keeps chickens with her husband and their three children.

Susanne Paola Antonetta
Susanne Paola Antonetta’s latest works of nonfiction are Make Me a Mother (W.W. Norton) and Curious Atoms (Essay Press). She is also author of Body Toxic, A Mind Apart, and the novella Stolen Moments. Awards include a New York Times Notable Book, an American Book Award, and an Oprah Bookshelf pick. She lives in Bellingham.
Bruce Beasley
Bruce Beasley is a professor of English at Western Washington University in Bellingham and author of eight collections of poems, including most recently Theophobia and All Soul Parts Returned, both from BOA Editions. He has won fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Washington State's Artist Trust, as well as three Pushcart prizes.

Kristin Berger
Kristin Berger is the author of four poetry collections: Echolocation (Cirque Press, 2018), How Light Reaches Us (Aldrich Press, 2016), For the Willing (Finishing Line Press, 2008), and
Refugia, forthcoming from Persian Pony Press. Kristin lives in Portland, Oregon, where she
hosts a summer farmers market poetry reading series. www.kristinberger.me
Karin Blaine
Blaine describes her music as a liza-minelli-meets-bob-dylan-meets-dick-cavett kind of
experience, part diva, part poet and part smart ass. Inspired by Sylvia Plath’s poem, "Tulips", Karin will perform an original tune written for the 2019 Prowl. No stranger to darkness, Blaine always sings in the light. She lives in Seattle. www.karinblaine.com

Meredith Clark
Meredith Clark is a poet and writer whose work has received Black Warrior Review's nonfiction prize, and has been published or is forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, Phoebe, Gigantic Sequins, and The Dusie Kollektiv. These days, she writes about trees, bodies, time, and the uncategorizable. She lives in Seattle. www.meredithclark.net
C.G. Dahlin
C.G. Dahlin, former Poet Laureate of the University of Wisconsin Stout’s Honors College, currently resides in Cashmere, Washington. Dahlin published his first chapbook, Un/Certainly Form/Less, in 2016. Aside from his literary pursuits, Dahlin is a multidisciplinary artist. www.instagram.com/cgdahlin

Lynne Ellis
Lynne Ellis writes in pen. Her words appear in WA129: Poets of Washington, The Stars, Cascadia Rising Review, Anesthesiology, and PageBoy. She is a member of I.A.T.S.E. Local 15 in Seattle and the recipient of the 2018 Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Prize. Her chapbook, In
these failing times I can forget, is available from Papeachu Press.
Sierra Golden
Sierra Golden wrote The Slow Art, which won the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize and was published by Bear Star Press in 2018. She lives in Seattle and writes about her many summers working as a commercial fisherman in Southeast Alaska. Her secret talent is finding four-leaf clovers.

Christine M. Kendall
Christine M. Kendall’s poetry is both elegiac and celebratory. A military brat, she documents a mobile childhood, and, like the title of her collection, Resting in the Familiar, her focus is on day-to-day life. Living in the Methow Valley, she helped found Confluence Poets. She’s published in journals and anthologies.
Larry Kerschner
Larry Kerschner lives in Centralia, Washington, with his wife, a cat, six chickens and five ducks. He is an active Member of Veterans For Peace. His self-published books of poetry include Grave Lines, Rimed Love, Poems: New and Used and George Washington: Founder of Centralia.

Kate Lebo
Kate Lebo’s writing is anthologized in Best American Essays 2015, and her first collection of nonfiction, The Book of Difficult Fruit, is forthcoming from Farrar, Strauss and Giroux. She’s the author of Pie School and co-editor with Samuel Ligon of Pie & Whiskey: Writers Under the Influence of Butter & Booze. She loves country music and lives in Spokane.
Samuel Ligon
Samuel Ligon is currently writing a serial novel—Miller Cane: A True & Exact History— which appears weekly in The Inlander and on Spokane Public Radio. The author of four previous books of fiction, Ligon is also co-editor, with Kate Lebo, of Pie & Whiskey: Writers Under the Influence of Butter & Booze. He lives in Spokane.

Tanya McDonald
Tanya McDonald is known for her bright plumage. A tea-drinker and wannabe naturalist/librarian, she is constantly distracted by birds and bookstores. Her haiku have appeared in various haiku journals, and she is currently serving as president of Haiku Northwest. She resides in Woodinville, Washington. Her alter ego is a novelist.
Travis Laurence Naught
Travis Laurence Naught is an author who happens to be a quadriplegic wheelchair user. The poems in his paperback collection, The Virgin Journals (ASD Publishing, 2012), serve as an exposition into the life of a disabled adult with thoughts that reach beyond his personal boundaries. More recent poems by Travis have been published in Right Hand Pointing, The Examined Life Journal, Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, and more. naughtapoet.blogspot.com

Melanie Noel
Melanie Noel is currently serving as Redmond’s Poet Laureate (June 2018-May 2019). She’s the author of two books of poetry, The Monarchs (Stockport Flats, 2013) and A Ringing (forthcoming from Goodmorning Menagerie). Her poems have also appeared in Thermos, Spiral Orb, Filter, Weekday, The Volta, The Seattle Review of Books and The Arcadia Project. She teaches workshops exploring the intersection of landscape, language, and imagination through the senses and synesthesia.
Rena Priest
Rena Priest is a Bellingham-based poet. Her work blends elements of fiction, folklore, history, and scientific ephemera to tell stories and seek truths. Her debut collection, Patriarchy Blues, won a 2018 American Book Award, and her new chapbook, Sublime Subliminal, is available from Floating Bridge Press. www.renapriest.com

Michael Schmeltzer
Michael Schmeltzer was born and raised in Japan before moving to the United States. His work includes the nonfiction book A Single Throat Opens, a lyric exploration of addiction, and Blood Song, a finalist for the Washington State Book Award for Poetry. He currently lives in Seattle with his family.
Benjamin Schmitt
Benjamin Schmitt is a Best Book Award and Pushcart nominated author of three books, most recently Soundtrack to a Fleeting Masculinity. His poems have appeared in the Antioch Review, Hobart, Worcester Review, Columbia Review, Roanoke Review, and elsewhere. A co-founder of Pacifica Writers’ Workshop, he has also written articles for The Seattle Times and At The Inkwell. He lives in Seattle with his wife and children.

Carey Taylor
Carey Taylor is the author of The Lure of Impermanence (Cirque Press 2018). Her work has appeared in regional, national and international publications. When not worrying about earthquakes she enjoys hiking and traveling. She has a Master of Arts Degree from Pacific Lutheran University and lives in Portland, Oregon. https://careyleetaylor.com
Gyorgyi Voros
Gyorgyi Voros lives in Roanoke, Virginia, and teaches at Virginia Tech, but she loves the Pacific Northwest. She is the author of Notations of the Wild: Ecology in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens and a collection of poems, Unwavering. She is working on a series of poems about the Manhattan Project.

Taylor D. Waring
Taylor D. Waring is a poet/musician from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, currently earning his MFA at Eastern Washington University, where he is the Managing Editor for Willow Springs Books. Taylor's work can be found online at Mantra Review, Oyster River Review, and Manzano Mountain Review.
Michael Dylan Welch
Michael Dylan Welch’s poetry has been performed for the Empress of Japan and at the Baseball Hall of Fame, and chiseled into stone in New Zealand. He has published many books, plus poetry, essays, reviews, and translations in hundreds of journals and anthologies. He served as poet laureate for Redmond, Washington, and runs National Haiku Writing Month. www.graceguts.com